Ephesians 5:25 – “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her”
There is no doubt that the church has faced challenges, but it has also shown remarkable resilience. Stories abound of research institutes citing facts about the decline of church attendance in the United States and most of the Western world. Even in conservative, bible-believing, and gospel-proclaiming churches, the trends tend to show a decrease in attendance and participation. Church growth consultants constantly call for the church to conform to the culture if pastors want their churches to grow. They suggest that churches liven up the music, shorten the service, speak to people’s felt needs, change the church’s interior, offer diverse programs, and “most important of all,” have a robust social media presence.
While this advice may appear practical to the unconverted world, what makes the church unique is often overlooked. It’s not about what the church offers the unconverted, but the true church consists of devoted followers of Jesus Christ who genuinely love the Lord Jesus Christ.
For over two thousand years, the church of Jesus Christ has faced relentless persecution from governments, cultures, armies, kings, and despots. Even today, it remains the most persecuted people group in the world. However, the church continues to exist, defying all odds, even in the most oppressive countries. This unwavering presence is a powerful testament to the enduring love and devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ by the faithful followers of Jesus Christ. This is a love that triumphs over all boundaries and adversities. It’s a love that you, as a faithful Christian, are part of. You love the Lord Jesus Christ and, in turn, love His church.
Paul’s message to the Ephesian church underscores the selfless and unconditional love husbands should have for their wives, mirroring Christ’s love for the church. This deep, sacrificial love is often missing in today’s churches. Many people claim belief in Jesus Christ but do not live for Jesus Christ. Our culture is obsessed with self and prioritizes pleasure and comfort more than Christ. Most people organize church around their lives rather than prioritize church. Pastors and churches should prioritize conforming to Jesus Christ and obediently following His word rather than conforming to the world and its demands.
The scriptures promise that Jesus Christ will return for a pure and unblemished church. This means that the church must be untainted by the world’s ways. It’s important to understand that salvation cannot happen without sanctification. The church should strive to love as Christ loved and gave himself for her. If we truly love Jesus, we will also love the church sincerely.
As believers in Jesus Christ, let’s take a moment to examine ourselves in the light of Paul’s command in Ephesians 5:25. Let’s demonstrate our love for Christ by fully committing to loving and serving the church that He gave His life for. For many of us, this is the highest calling of service that Jesus Christ demands of us. It’s a call to self-sacrifice, unwavering love for others, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Every believer in Jesus Christ should understand that it is God’s will to advance His kingdom through His church, the church of Jesus Christ. When we are resolute in our devotion to the church, we unequivocally demonstrate our love for Christ.
Join us as we work together as a church to advance the Kingdom of God. May God bless His Church, and may the Lord Jesus come soon.
Pastor Mark
Wow! This is an amazing tool that God has blessed the church with. We can all stay connected with the Word of God and each other. We especially love access to the sermons and the prayer wall. Well done and praise the Lord!
So true what this blog says about the church. Calvary Bible Church is the real deal. True Bible believing church. The word is preached with conviction and God’s presence is felt.
May we die to self and submit with mind, body and soul to our Lord Jesus Christ; who gave His life for the church.
Reading you loud and clear! We, the church, need not merely “do more” in service, but rather do what He says because of our deep, unashamed love for Christ. Follow is an action word. We need to be doing the work of the Lord in the church and the community. Thanks Pstr Mark for your servant leadership and unwavering devotion to Christ and His church.
Amen thank you. @PastorMark for always teaching us Gods word and how he wants us to live.
It’s unfortunate we in the US focus on ourselves and not our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Thank you for standing firm in Gods truth and teaching the church to continually examine ourselves to be ready for his coming. May our greatest desire be to advance the gospel and the kingdom while we are here as opposed to our selfish desires. With some much prosperity gospel and false truth, we take comfort in Gods word and his instruction for us while we are here.